I got a flat tire on my way to work this morning. What a surprise. I have lost count of the amount of times I've gotten flat tires in the past few years. One time, I got a flat and found that there was a tomahawk in my tire. It just so happens that yesterday I decided to write "THE EARTH IS FLAT AND STATIONARY" on my rear windshield in window paint. I guess the satanists don't like the truth being visible to all. They have put quite a bit of effort and time and money in to NASHA, I mean NASA, to deceive everyone and take them away from God. It must burn them up to see their "illuminated secret" plainly visible. No blood oaths required.
I'm glad they did this. They proved me right. I haven't had a flat tire in a while, and all of a sudden I write this message on my rear windshield, and boom. Flat tire the next day.
Yes, all the world is a stage, and you are surrounded by masons who are part of a secret club. They prey on the non-masons in really pathetic ways. Masons are all in utero transgenders. Hans Wormhat explains all of this better than I care to. It IS the truth. Their god is baphomet, which is an adrogenyous goat with male and female parts. The body is a temple, and by turning male female, or female to male, this is inverting, or turning upside down God's natural way. This allows a much easier haven for demonic forces to enter and control. And of course, spiritual things in America are viewed as nonsense, when in fact, spirit IS more real than the physical things. But whatever, whenever I try to share truths with people in this world, they quickly change the subject or don't want to talk any further. They'd much rather discuss their bullshit science (seance) things they memorized (which are all BS) or discuss POP culture. POP. What is the devil referred to as in the bible? The P.rince O.f the P.ower of the air. That is why we have POP music that is mindless and repeating, because of course it is interlayed with satanic messages that enter into your subconscious mind without you realizing. The devil is described as being more subtle than all the beasts of the field. In one interpretation from Hebrew, he is described as being "wiser to do evil" than all the beasts of the field. His followers are the same way. They do things subtly, so there is always some element of plausible deniability. In the same way the devil (through power of suggestion) convinced eve to have sex with him and defile herself. In the same way did he convince cain to kill Abel through suggestion. This is why the illuminati use suggestion so much, because they are being directly controlled by that same infernal being.
Isn't it great to know all these truths, and be surrounded by people who can't comprehend them, or even TRY to. Most people don't even TRY to accept new information. They are content with whatever narrative they have been told. Yes, cognitive dissonance can be uncomfortable. But all GROWTH is uncomfortable. Even the start of this life on this wicked earth, you come out screaming, covered in blood and pus. A (baphomet witch) doctor SLAPS you, then CUTS your cord. This is still a better outcome than being sacrificed to the devil in a Planned Parenthood center. ANYTHING that satanists provide "for free" IS NOT FREE. Unless you are a FREEMASON, you do not get things for free. There is some hidden cost. And of course even the freemasons don't entirely get things for free, for they have sould their souls. One of them directly said to me once that he "had no soul." I thought he was being dramatic. No, he was being honest for once in his life.